Tag: victoria

Hostel life

I’m currently sat on my bed alone in the hostel room, day one into my road trip. Waiting to know who I was sharing the room with. I know I know, I  took a gamble but that’s hostel life in general. I’ll find out if that gamble paid off or if the house (or COVID) won. 

Where am I going? Wherever the road takes me. Poetic, yet pompous. Actually I have a rough idea of where I’m headed. What I end up doing is yet to be determined. 

Non Essential Purchases


I’m actually quite proud of the fact I’ve made it through 4 months without any non essential purchases. It’s made me re-evaluate items bought on a whim. Whether it’s an impulse buy or whether it’s just a good bargain I can’t resist. The near instant gratification from the power of online shopping has fuelled my habits and is sometimes the only method where I can get certain items to where I live. The internet makes everything so accessible. I mean, I once even bought a vacuum cleaner on the train to a VCAT (court) hearing (representing, and certainly not the accused). 

Self Reflections: 1


Ahh, self reflections. COVID-19 was a period of introspective musings for many. Discovering that a lack of social interaction was huge a challenge for a lot of people. Even for someone like me who tends to err on the side of an introvert. I don’t crave constant interaction but staying at home in my down time took the fun out of ‘doing nothing’. Even just aimlessly walking down main street wasn’t something encouraged. Going out for a coffee wasn’t something to jump at either. 

Reflecting became something I found doing quite a bit. Not just mulling on myself but others around me and society. Case in point: I realised for someone who claims to not need a lot of things in life, I actually purchase a lot. However I don’t profess to be a minimalist so let that be my get-out-of-jail free card. Stay tuned for a future instalment on this one.

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