Those close to me know that I love to travel. I’ve been privileged enough to travel as much as I have so far and I intend to continue that trajectory. As travel and tourism slowly opens up around the world post corona lockdown, here in Australia shows no sign of such happening…yet. Entry and exit out of the country remains limited with some states even closing borders in response to outbreaks. I know many of us are itching to ‘get out’ for some spontaneous breaks including myself but it’s a game of patience.
Tag: regional
Ahh, self reflections. COVID-19 was a period of introspective musings for many. Discovering that a lack of social interaction was huge a challenge for a lot of people. Even for someone like me who tends to err on the side of an introvert. I don’t crave constant interaction but staying at home in my down time took the fun out of ‘doing nothing’. Even just aimlessly walking down main street wasn’t something encouraged. Going out for a coffee wasn’t something to jump at either.
Reflecting became something I found doing quite a bit. Not just mulling on myself but others around me and society. Case in point: I realised for someone who claims to not need a lot of things in life, I actually purchase a lot. However I don’t profess to be a minimalist so let that be my get-out-of-jail free card. Stay tuned for a future instalment on this one.