Tag: purchases

My Dilemma with Farmers’ Markets

In a time where many are scrambling to have groceries delivered, it seems that it has also re-ignited local farmers markets and shops and boosting the small community support. There lies my dilemma with farmers’ markets.

Non Essential Purchases


I’m actually quite proud of the fact I’ve made it through 4 months without any non essential purchases. It’s made me re-evaluate items bought on a whim. Whether it’s an impulse buy or whether it’s just a good bargain I can’t resist. The near instant gratification from the power of online shopping has fuelled my habits and is sometimes the only method where I can get certain items to where I live. The internet makes everything so accessible. I mean, I once even bought a vacuum cleaner on the train to a VCAT (court) hearing (representing, and certainly not the accused). 

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