Tag: lifestyle

Hostel Life: Chapter 2

I adamantly believe in going with the flow as you may have guessed. Life is unexpected and you just have to take it as it comes. Between entering the bathroom and finding someone naked in front of the sink and a girl trying to “gracefully” walk between her room and to the bathroom in nothing but a towel, just prepare for the unexpected. Especially true for for hostel life chapter 2.

What was expected is that hostels at this time are not filled (yet). I’ve already encountered Melburnian hoards and their pent up need to getaway. What I didn’t account for was the lack of people I could recruit to head to the pub for a drink. Or you know, a myriad of non alcoholic activities. This meant I was braving the town and drinking by myself. Still getting use to my own company and my self consciousness. 

A pint at The Stump aka The Caledonian Inn

Remember my love for watching Escape to the Country? Well, I was ecstatic when I came across Cotsworld like cottages and similar country aesthetics in Port Fairy. There is a mix of old and modern. But a tasteful modern that is sympathetic to the building-scape and architecture. Also, the exact matching green jumper and decor was purely accidental.

Fashion forward or fashion victim? I think the latter. Now if only I could get the winning lotto numbers. 

What I’ve found myself doing in the smaller towns I’ve been at, is imagining what my life would be life if I were to move there. It’s a game to me, thinking whether I could survive or not in the a small community. Would the sea change of nature and quaint setting be enough? Or would I tear my hair out at the limited things to do? So far, Port Fairy is taking my fancy. 

Another thing, this trip so far has reaffirmed my lack of affection for snakes. While not on a phobia level, I would really rather not sight one even if I may hear them in the bushes. Sometimes my mind gets the better of me and I am overly cautious when traversing grassy terrain or overgrown vegetation. In actuality, they could be lurking anywhere like the Flat Rocks. I need to work on that fear and improve my mind over matter.

I Detest Cleaning

I detest cleaning
No matter how trendy the equipment is, it can’t excite me to clean

I detest cleaning. I just can’t grasp the concept of enjoying cleaning. Yes I know it eventually needs to be done but my modus operandi is to just let it be. Living through others. I think I’ve applied that this year to many things but interestingly, it’s even extended to cleaning. Since March, there’s been a rapid explosion of ‘Clean with Me’, organisational and productivity videos on YouTube. It’s provided some feel good productivity purpose and motivation in my life while watching them. Only it comes with a sense of shame and inadequacy after viewing them. The feeling of productiveness and being on top of things only lasts however long the videos are and I mellow back to reality after. The dream.

Winter Comforts

Winter comfort - Mountain silhouettes.

Winter is officially here in the southern hemisphere. To be fair, it was already cold well before 1 June. Frosty mornings warming to days that barely top 13ºC isn’t something I look forward to and neither does my laundry.

The Perks of Independence

Starry night wishing for independence.

“How lucky of me to have gotten so far,
I did not have to wish upon a star.

How grateful I am for everything,
For how fortunate my life has been.”

Ok terrible free form. No wonder literature wasn’t one of my subjects in high school. 

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