Tag: independence

Elements of Freedom


But, you’ll never play me like LeBron vs. Jordan
Twenty years, wonder who they gon’ say was more important
Both changed the game, came through and made a lane
Who’s to say that who’s greater, all we know, they ain’t the same

J. Cole 2011

Single Child Syndrome

Single Child

A friend recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Even though she doesn’t know me yet, we’ve actually got something in common. 

Someone once asked me “are you an only child?”

– Yes, how did you know? 

Dunno. You sort of have that vibe. 

– What…?

The Perks of Independence

Starry night wishing for independence.

“How lucky of me to have gotten so far,
I did not have to wish upon a star.

How grateful I am for everything,
For how fortunate my life has been.”

Ok terrible free form. No wonder literature wasn’t one of my subjects in high school. 

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