Ahh, self reflections. COVID-19 was a period of introspective musings for many. Discovering that a lack of social interaction was huge a challenge for a lot of people. Even for someone like me who tends to err on the side of an introvert. I don’t crave constant interaction but staying at home in my down time took the fun out of ‘doing nothing’. Even just aimlessly walking down main street wasn’t something encouraged. Going out for a coffee wasn’t something to jump at either.
Reflecting became something I found doing quite a bit. Not just mulling on myself but others around me and society. Case in point: I realised for someone who claims to not need a lot of things in life, I actually purchase a lot. However I don’t profess to be a minimalist so let that be my get-out-of-jail free card. Stay tuned for a future instalment on this one.
Actually it’s no secret Aussies travel a lot. Like a lot. I guess you could say the same for many people around the world but we revel in the freedom of being able to. Whether it’s down to the beach or off to bush for the weekend, it’s the life we’ve become accustomed to. Just as many tourists land Down Under to see the sights, about as many of us travel abroad. We trek those 12 hour long haul flights like it’s nothing, except with maybe a bit of a whinge. We’ve been Pavlovian-ed to shrug off the time spent in a narrow airborne tin can at the appalled expression of our counterparts, simply due to our geographic location.

Once lockdown happened, a large part of what we had become used to or even taken for granted disappeared. Suddenly we couldn’t just spontaneously go somewhere other than for non essential services.
That actually had a bigger effect on me than I originally thought. I could no longer just pop down to the Island and see the ocean. Couldn’t just head out for a bush walk or just take off and drive somewhere. As much as our love of travel, catching waves and wrestling crocs, we are also very much wedded to our cars which is quite American of us really.
Mount Feathertop at 1,922m
What else could I do? So I played Mother Theresa and performed my altruistic duties of saving lives by staying at home. At the direction of the Victorian State Government of course. But now things are slowly easing and tourism is starting to pick up again. At least regional and domestic tourism until the Trans-Tasman bubble comes into fruition.
Which is a good thing
It gives us an opportunity explore the place we live in. For all the travel Aussies do, we don’t tend to travel as much domestically. Expensive and remote are probably the two big stumbling blocks. I mean it’s little wonder why Bali is so popular – your dollar simply goes further. But it’s just how it is and part of the charm sometimes. Depending on where you go, the remoteness that can make you feel so small and so insignificant can also bring jaw dropping beauty.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
And my opinion, beauty isn’t typically found in cities. I stand firm even if the Hoddle Grid is enshrined into Melbourne’s identity. I’m guilty of neglecting the wonders and beauties provided for us at our doorstep, especially the natural and rural variety however big or small. There’s no excuse to not scout out what there is on offer when personal international travel is still prohibited. In fact, I’ll even say that it’s even more fitting given the devastating bushfires that started late last year. In addition, I’m sure the regions would appreciate the tourism boost by locals.
There are so many places I would like to revisit again but equally as many places I want to seek out and explore (the American-ness of private transportation does come in handy). I hesitate to make a list of them only that I would be spoilt for choice and end up ticking something not on it and ultimately disappoint myself. Sometimes it takes not having something to appreciate what we have.
If you have been also reflecting about yourself or in a broader sense, what have you discovered or found yourself giving more thought to?
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