Cooking after a long day can be a stressful ordeal especially if your day has not gone well. It is a well known fact that the two correlate exponentially and results in anger, frustration or tears – all of which are not mutually exclusive. Anything above and beyond like baking is downright unfathomable. So how did I win after a lousy day?
But, you’ll never play me like LeBron vs. Jordan
J. Cole 2011
Twenty years, wonder who they gon’ say was more important
Both changed the game, came through and made a lane
Who’s to say that who’s greater, all we know, they ain’t the same
Ahh, self reflections. COVID-19 was a period of introspective musings for many. Discovering that a lack of social interaction was huge a challenge for a lot of people. Even for someone like me who tends to err on the side of an introvert. I don’t crave constant interaction but staying at home in my down time took the fun out of ‘doing nothing’. Even just aimlessly walking down main street wasn’t something encouraged. Going out for a coffee wasn’t something to jump at either.
Reflecting became something I found doing quite a bit. Not just mulling on myself but others around me and society. Case in point: I realised for someone who claims to not need a lot of things in life, I actually purchase a lot. However I don’t profess to be a minimalist so let that be my get-out-of-jail free card. Stay tuned for a future instalment on this one.
A friend recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Even though she doesn’t know me yet, we’ve actually got something in common.
Someone once asked me “are you an only child?”
– Yes, how did you know?
– Dunno. You sort of have that vibe.
– What…?
Winter is officially here in the southern hemisphere. To be fair, it was already cold well before 1 June. Frosty mornings warming to days that barely top 13ºC isn’t something I look forward to and neither does my laundry.
When do we become confident to say enough is enough?
The term giving up carries negativity. That you didn’t put in effort, weren’t good enough, didn’t try harder. A quitter. Are you a quitter?
“How lucky of me to have gotten so far,
I did not have to wish upon a star.
How grateful I am for everything,
For how fortunate my life has been.”
Ok terrible free form. No wonder literature wasn’t one of my subjects in high school.
The rise of health consciousness has become a staple presence around us. How many advertisements about joining a gym or connecting with the consumers’ emotions about well being and becoming your best self have you come across? You might think to yourself, “wow, I wish I could look like that.”
Ok, so here goes. It’s said that you can’t judge a book by its cover but we all know first impressions certainly count. Whether it is for a job interview, trying to socialise with new faces at a party or going on a date, we all want others to see the best version of ourselves.