Ok, so here goes. It’s said that you can’t judge a book by its cover but we all know first impressions certainly count. Whether it is for a job interview, trying to socialise with new faces at a party or going on a date, we all want others to see the best version of ourselves.
Starting an online presence is no different. While the primary reason of this blog is loosely a journal for myself, it is inevitable that others may stumble onto here (it is the internet after all). So I would like to set the scene a bit and explain myself.
Why the name ‘Kinside Out’?
Well, I want to express the thoughts I have and whatever is going on inside my mind and life. Oh, and Kin is one of my names.
Why a blog and why now?
I’ve toyed with the idea of a blog or even YouTube many times before which never amounted to anything. The thought of putting yourself out there in public is quite daunting — at least for me. Can I confidently present myself on camera? What about my personality? Do I fit into the conventional image? Oh and I can get flustered easily. Writing on the other hand is more deliberate and methodical. I can allow my thoughts to become fully coherent first before putting pen to paper (or more realistically fingers to keyboard). I’m not sure how this blog will organically take its shape but if I keep trying to perfect everything before I start, well I never would. As Nike famously coined, ‘just do it’. I may experiment using different media on here but expect written will be the primary format here. I want to document many things in this blog like my interests, achievements, lessons learnt, social commentary, aspirations, places I’ve been and maybe even fantastic coffee and where to find them.
Having said that, I am most definitely not a journalist, a literature major or any sort of authority on writing. I genuinely hope this blog comes across as light hearted only punctured by my attitude and personality. Make of this place what you will and if you like the content I hope you stay around.
What a great beginning! Can’t wait to read more of your writing!
Chris C
Thanks for the encouragement and hope you stick around!
I always hesitate reading blogs because I never really relate to what I’m reading. Maybe I’m reading the wrong blogs? However, I like your writing style! The content gives off a “slice of life” feeling which, honestly, is hard to come by (what with so many Karens plaguing the internet, especially social media). So thank you for not being a Karen…
I do like a good tea sesh, but its refreshing to read something that isnt entirely focused on:
a. Telling me how amazing they are.
b. Trying to sell me something.
c. Spilling their most graphic secrets (we don’t want to know what Karen favours in bed, good grief).
Your writing is honest and I like that you’re open with not being used to putting yourself out there publicly, which makes me appreciate this blog even more! I’m looking forward to see what you have to write in the future.
I’m sure it’ll be fab!
Chris C
Hi C. Thanks for your very witty comments cause I certainly laughed out loud! Your perspective on my writing (although it may be too early to tell from one post), means a lot as I want stay and continue to stay grounded in order to express myself authentically. Cheers and stay tuned!
what a great start Chris! I did not know you have another name kin! I will be looking forward to read more at kinsideout! Will be back soon 😃
Chris C
Hello Farz. More posts are coming and thanks for stopping by!
Just came across this blog! Love it so far! If you would be so kind as to follow my YouTube channel I’ll defs return the love and subscribe to this!
PS I like your hat.
Chris C
Hi Mim. Thanks for stopping by and I will have to check out your YouTube content! Ahhh my trusty cap. Probably up for a replacement as it’s accompanied me to a fair few places. Hope you stay tuned for the next post. Cheers.