I’m currently sitting on the floor in the corner of my bedroom. Riveting I know. Listening to the constant howling wind amplified by the reserve across the road and the sheets of rain knocking on the window. The only source of light is from the moon. I feel exhausted. Not just because of the amount of screen time endured throughout the week, but also what goes on during work time. I can’t pinpoint why, but it has certainly been a bleh 5 days. I’m wondering when my prayers for longer weekends will be answered.
I’m having a moment of despair but far from the point of embodying Jack Sparrow. Still, it’s a low I acknowledge but I’m actually not devastated in how I feel. Many times we tell ourselves to chin up and turn that frown upside down to get back into the swing of things. This time, I’m forcing myself to have this moment of low and ride it out naturally. Essentially I am going to embrace the funk, my coping mechanism of the day.
Not everything I write will be super positive and this is how I feel right now. My mind has started to dissociate from my body but I’m not at all concerned. What flashes through my mind is a blank screen Instead of television static. Surprisingly for a blank mind, I’ve begun thinking about myself as a person and why my personalities the way they are. Even in this state, I’m still doing something bloody weird.
How odd that I’ve begun to think about my personality at this time. Next thing to happen is that I’ll be hashing out the meaning of life. 42? Maybe it’s the perfect setting: dark and storming – perfect for introspecting, or a witch’s cauldron.
So what does me, a Sagittarius entail?
I was never into horoscopes and the closest I’ve come to feeling Sagittarius or astrology was my ‘space phase’ when I was younger and obsessed with planets and astronauts. Personally I skipped over horoscopes purely I thought they were a load of crap. Now is a good a time as any to consult the highest authority (Google) and see if any ring true.
As a centaur, I’m supposed to be spontaneous, free spirited, optimistic, independent travel fiend. I’m impatient, dislike clingy and easily bored.
I’m quite surprised as to how close some of these traits are to my own characteristics. None of these traits came as a surprise and some I have talked about before.
I was most interested to read the explanation for being easily bored:
“All this independence can sometimes translate to behavior that seems spontaneous to the point of random and a tendency to get bored easily.” https://blog.prepscholar.com/sagittarius-traits-personality
“Sagittarians get bored easily and move on, earning them the reputation for being the biggest commitment-phobes in the zodiac.” https://www.purewow.com/wellness/sagittarius-personality
Reflecting on my past actions and behaviour, that’s quite a funny and accurate depiction. In fact, one of my friends coined it my ‘two year itch’ after hearing I was bored with work. That sounds better than commitment-phobe. Perhaps one of the reasons of being exhausted is the mundane work life. Hell, I’ll also throw in my decreasing attention span as well as the ever increasing feeling of indifference. It’s clear the future has got me down. And safe to say there will to be some goal setting once I ride out this slump.
Do you ride it out when you’re feeling down or take action to get back feeling like your regular self sooner?
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