When do we become confident to say enough is enough?
The term giving up carries negativity. That you didn’t put in effort, weren’t good enough, didn’t try harder. A quitter. Are you a quitter?
When do we become confident to say enough is enough?
The term giving up carries negativity. That you didn’t put in effort, weren’t good enough, didn’t try harder. A quitter. Are you a quitter?
“How lucky of me to have gotten so far,
I did not have to wish upon a star.
How grateful I am for everything,
For how fortunate my life has been.”
Ok terrible free form. No wonder literature wasn’t one of my subjects in high school.
The rise of health consciousness has become a staple presence around us. How many advertisements about joining a gym or connecting with the consumers’ emotions about well being and becoming your best self have you come across? You might think to yourself, “wow, I wish I could look like that.”
Ok, so here goes. It’s said that you can’t judge a book by its cover but we all know first impressions certainly count. Whether it is for a job interview, trying to socialise with new faces at a party or going on a date, we all want others to see the best version of ourselves.
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